Your yard says a lot about who you are. It’s the first impression most people get about you and your family when they arrive at your home. To keep it looking spectacular, you installed a lawn sprinkler system to keep the correct amount of water flowing to it. You want to ensure that your system runs as efficiently as possible. Here are a few things to ensure that your system produces the best possible results.
Regular Maintenance
Most sprinkler system companies offer regular maintenance plans. These plans can be as often as once a month or as little as once a year. When the technician arrives, he’ll check your entire system from parts that commonly fail to adjusting how frequently the sprinklers turn on and off. As part of the maintenance, they will identify and replace any parts that malfunction due to common wear and tear. Another important part of regular maintenance is keeping your lawn nourished and pest free. A good professional can assist you with both pest control and lawn fertilization.
Lawn Sprinkler Repair
When you need lawn sprinkler repair and your system stills work, it means that other parts of the system can work harder or hotter, decreasing its efficiency. The longer that you put off repairs the less efficiently the system will work. Putting off repairs can cause the lifespan of your entire system to shorten as other parts work harder and fail sooner than they might have otherwise.
Adjusting How Often the Sprinklers Turn On and Off
At different times of the year or month, your sprinkler might need to work more often or less often. How much water that your lawn gets is influenced by how much rain its receiving. Knowing how to adjust the cycle of your sprinklers will help your efficiency.
At American Irrigation, we take pride in offering top-notch repairs, maintenance and installations. Contact us today for more information.